Flying & Falling

June 2, 2018

Performance residency at the Scott Reed Theater in Minocqua, WI

In a place somewhere between invention and madness, ecstasy and terror, and flying and falling, three people struggle to remember their dreams and fulfill their destinies. Will they fly or will they fall?

This celebration of humanity’s desire to fly is inspired by the history and mythologies surrounding Icarus, Leonard da Vinci and Amelia Earhart. Flying and Falling brings these famous characters together in a new myth –told through a unique blend of physical theatre, puppetry, and multimedia– about the risk, failure, and triumph that is the process of dreaming and creating.


Isaac Bont, Jeni Saliger, Lillian Noonan, Anna Pladson

Production Team

Kym Longhi, Jim Peitzman, Tara Woolpy

Written by Nico Swenson and Kym Longhi and developed with the Ensemble

Directed by Kym Longhi


Missing Mississippi Moons and Selma '65


The Gun Show