A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Three Acres

(a walking play)

by William Shakespeare

The Scott Reed Theater, Minocqua, WI

June 25 and 26, 2021

WE were waking from a long dark dream, a pandemic that shut down so many communal gatherings, and especially live theatre for over a year.  Throughout this long dream, we all managed to find ways to stay in touch with each other, to create, to honor community and to celebrate.  But we missed each other.  We missed the feeling that is like no other, one of presence and community.  We missed feeling our bodies together in real space where we could laugh and weep…and just be with each other.  Shakespeare wrote some of his greatest plays during his own time of pandemic.  So we thought it fitting to celebrate our own world’s awakening with his dream of a Midsummer Night in a fairy forest, full of the absurdity and beauty of discovered love. 


Michael Diprima, Dominique Drake, Ella Eastman-Kiesow, Joni Griffith, Nick Likens, Anna Pladson, Tyra Ramsey, Jerry Woolpy and Tara Woolpy

Production Team

Jim Peitzman, Tara Woolpy

Directed by Kym Longhi

Original Music by Joni Griffith


Monster Heart


Missing Mississippi Moons and Selma '65